Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An upbeat blogpost, for a change

Someone asked why I have been posting vitriolic and negative stuff of late, and whether that has something to do with Michael Jackson's passing. To the latter I offer an emphatic nay. To the former, well, as a conciliatory gesture here is a blogpost which is a teensy-weensy more upbeat.

33 year-old Aussie, Jason (humptydumpty) McIntyre of Humpty Doo, NT, found himself on the wrong end of Indonesian law when he was charged in a Denpasar District court for drug possession and using drugs. If found guilty, he could end up in jail between four and ten years.

Now, why is this an upbeat blogpost, you might ask.

Erm, if only because of this?

I believe Tracey (Spicer) can't wait to pen a "bring him home" article. And for this alone, surely McIntyre has every reason to feel upbeat about his predicament. There, an upbeat blogpost.

Surely now you can can get off my case?

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